Jay County Cancer Society offers opportunities to get involved by volunteering for the Jay County Cancer Walk and other various events throughout the year. If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to jaycountycancerwalk@gmail.com with your interest.
The Joy of Being a Volunteer
To volunteer is to give of yourself in service to a cause. It is about freely giving your time to help an organization, your community, or an individual. And this giving of your time and service is done free of charge, without expectation of compensation.
To volunteer means to act on behalf of something or someone else. It is done by people with a desire to do good. It is done willingly - by choice. It is done without pay. And it is done to promote positive change or help someone in need.
The idea of giving of oneself for the benefit of others. The practice of volunteering encourage collective responsibility, unity and interchange. These ideas are fundamental to expressing an individual’s humanity through his or her social relations with others. And they are the essence of what it means to volunteer.